Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A preacher man talks to several people at the front of a church. A young boy walks up to him at the front of the church and asks where the bathroom is. A woman leads the boy away as a crowd of people laugh.

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Priest falls on step while delivering sermon. Church

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Young girl sneaks onto pulpit at church and drinks wine.

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Baby boy pees on his dad during Baptism / Christening. Church.

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"Messiah on a Wi-Yah" Jesus exposes his backside in X-MAS play. Int.-church?

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen boy falls down hard while he runs on pews in a church

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Funny signs: "Thou shalt not park here" sign in front of church.

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Girl sits in chair on stage at church and falls off. She is fine

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"Featured Preacher" Man giving sermon in church says "You can trust in Jesus just like I can trust that this church pew will hold me up." He stands on the pew and it falls. Embarrassing. Preacher, minister, pastor

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Minister gets a phone call from God when performing wedding ceremony. Church. reverand.

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Twin girls at church sing in choir. One girl yells out Momma I need to go pee-pee and walks off stage.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teenage boy falls into the baptismal pool at his church.

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Young flower girl falls down stairs at church during wedding ceremony

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man stands on top of church pews trying to get a squirrel off the top of a windowsill with a stick. Another man holds a trashcan below him for the squirrel to fall into. He swings at the squirrel and whacks the man holding the can in the head. Bonehead. Church. Short tail.

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Man in church show tries to switch on his microphone but it looks like he is playing with his crotch.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A preacher man baptizes a boy in a church by dunking him into a baptism fountain. A cross falls off the wall into the baptism fountain.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

Pastor is giving his sermon to the church with giant TV screens behind him, someone has left their microphone on when they use the restroom. Boneheads.

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Tot boy on church stage during Christmas pageant doesn't want to get off the stage. Mom and dad jump on stage and run after him.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

A young boy dances with his classmates during a song at a church and falls over into the American flag at :10. He then slowly gets back up to sing and dance.

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Priest prays during Mass holding up communion. Hear noises, then a boy runs behind priest followed by his mom. Church. Priest says he can't wait to see the video of that.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

Tot girl onstage covers her grandma's mouth while senior woman sings at church. Girl wants to sing by herself. Performance problems.

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Bride says "As a token of my lust for you" instead of love & trust during wedding vows. Priest says that will be appropriate later. Tongue tied. groom. Marriage, church.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

"Can't Handle the Candles" A man leads a prayer in a church and a man knocks over two set of candles. The man pauses and then continues the prayer.

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Church lady preaching faith drops boy during demonstration

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy holds on to a rope to ring a church bell and his dad lifts him up and the boy smacks right into the ceiling.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: U.S.A.

A sign for a church that reads "This is our funny sign for AFV."

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GOD! Flower arrangement falls on choir member's head in church.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen boy flips a water bottle up onto a window sill in a church.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

A man tries to swing from a balcony at a church, and forcefully runs into a pew.

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Bride falls down stairs when walking out of church. Short clip.

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Little boy and girl fight over a microphone at church gospel choir recital on stage. Performance problems.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen boy falls over a low wall in a church when he can't jump high enough over it.

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3 teens on snow boards go off a church roof. One crashes hard no recovery

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A ficus tree repeatedly falls on a man as he plays the drums for a church performance. He tries to push the tree up as he continues to play the drums.

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Piece of tile from the ceiling hits pastor / priest / minister in the head during sermon. Church.

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Priest gives groom communion host & wine at wedding. Groom keeps drinking the wine

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man falls as he walks down the steps and says, "Happy Mother's Day" and people laugh in the church.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

A tot boy tells his parents to hush in church because they're making too much noise for Jesus.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

In a church, before wedding, a young flower girl runs down the aisle screaming and a bridesmaid woman picks her up at the front of the church. The entire crowd of people laugh as a young ring bearer boy and another young flower girl walk down the aisle together.

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A man in front of church at a wedding, prays with bride and groom. He turns around, and his pants fall down around his ankles.

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Bride & groom walk out of church & bride falls down stairs. She pulls groom on top of her. Wedding.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: Canada

Man & woman host a church fundraiser. Man messes up the word "host." Woman introduces herself & says "And I will be your other whore." Man can't stop laughing.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A ficus tree repeatedly falls on a man as he plays the drums for a church performance. He tries to push the tree up as he continues to play the drums.

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"Clown Face Catastrophe" Tot boy puts marker all over his face and says he wants to be a clown. Mom says we have to go to church tonight, how will I get that off?

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Girl in angel costume onstage keeps falling asleep during church play. She mouths words to song while dozing off. Christmas pageant. Performance problem.

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Minister at wedding ceremony in church leads the groom through vows. Priest means to say "in your heart," instead he says "in your fart." Professionally filmed from multiple angles & edited. CLIP IS OUT OF SYNC.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A family sings a church song with costumes in the yard, and when one young girl faints the family turns to look at her. A man and woman bend over to help the girl, and another young girl trips and falls over them on the ground.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

In an event room/church basement, a man tries to run up folding chairs and jump off. The chairs collapse and the man falls down to the floor with his leg caught in a chair. Short heads. No tails. Ethnicity undetermined.

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"Corn Cob Kid" Bride & groom say vows, everyone starts to giggle & priest stumbles over words. Camera pans to show young boy with an ear of corn between his legs, looks like a penis. Wedding ceremony, church.

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Teen boy tapes the nozzle of spray hose for a sink so when his mom turns the faucet on she gets sprayed with water. Son asks for a drink of water and mom gets sprayed. She says "You're dead, I was all ready to go to church". Practical joke

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Christmas show at Baptist church. Nativity scene. Everyone on stage is singing Happy Birthday Jesus and little girl comes from audience and steals the baby Jesus doll from manger. Another tot takes the doll back and puts it in the manger.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man and a woman play the Clue board game with her family, and she gets a clue that says "in the church with a wedding ring". She looks confused and he get on one knee and proposes. She says he is crazy but says yes and they kiss.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Pastor tells tot boy he has a body at lakeside baptism, boy yells "I have a penis!" (Low audio)

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"Praying For A Bathroom" Priest says a prayer during the wedding reception & pauses to give senior man directions to the bathroom.

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During baptism, man is dipped in water and the man helping falls in with him. Double baptism.

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Groomsman faints, he falls across the altar out of frame

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Mom picks up her tot boy wandering around during Thanksgiving ceremony. Woman turns & knocks over tot girl & all 3 of them fall down. School event. With recovery. Embarrassing.

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"Pew Spew" Bride vomits in pew.

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Altar boy's holy cross breaks while he's walking with it, it hits him in head and knocks him out.