"High Wattage Hen" A woman discovers her black hen is sitting on light bulbs trying to hatch them. bulbs. Chicken
When a Chihuahua gets curious and follows a hen and her babies in a yard, he runs and flips when the hen chases after him.
A woman screams and gasps when she pulls a game hen from inside of a stuffed turkey. Her family convinces her that she cooked a pregnant turkey. Practical joke. Thanksgiving
Woman gets pranked by family on Thanksgiving when they stick a Cornish hen inside a turkey and deep fry it. Woman thought turkey was pregnant. Woman calls friend and tells them about the turkey.
Parents put a game hen inside a cooked turkey and trick girl into thinking the turkey was pregnant. Thanksgiving. Bonehead, practical joke.
Man carves a turkey, pulls a cornish game hen out . Woman screams, she thinks the turkey was pregnant. Practical joke. Thanksgiving.
Hen lays a very large egg and the family decides to crack it open. They find an egg within the egg and a yolk
A tot girl names animals in a children's book and when she gets to a picture of a hen she says it's a chicken nugget.
In a yard, as a young girl holds a hen chicken and describes her and how she lays eggs, the bird actually lays an egg in her lap.
A teen boy puts his hand up a turkey in the kitchen and plays around with it then he pulls out a small Cornish hen and he and his sister scream as the sister yells, "it was pregnant." Then their mom and younger sister laugh and the older kids figure out that it is a prank. Thanksgiving
A baby boy with a sheep suit on sits on the ground being pecked by chickens.
A baby boy with a sheep suit on sits on the ground being pecked by chickens.
A baby boy with a sheep suit on sits on the ground being pecked by chickens.
A young girl yells at a rooster until the rooster chases after her and she screams and runs away
A woman finds a chicken in a wheelbarrow in a garage, she says "I need an egg" and the chicken immediately lays an egg.
A tot boy walks around a backyard chicken coop. He grabs a chicken's tail. The chicken clucks and flaps its wings hard, blowing the boy's hair back. Then he picks the chicken up and walks around the coop.
A chicken rides a moving windshield wiper on a car outdoors.
Short clip of boy feeding chickens, he kicks one and a rooster steals the food from the boy's hand. Farm.
At 9:15 A man and woman wrap rubber bands around a watermelon outdoors while several chickens gather next to them when the watermelon explodes and scares all the chickens away.
A woman says "Bok bok. I'm a chicken" then she drops an egg from her butt in the kitchen. A tot girl copies her movement then looks on the ground and asks why the egg won't come out.
A chicken pecks a dog in the booty. The dog runs away.