AA Future-Fashion. Future plumber wears future plumber costume.
A teen boy, recovering from dental surgery, rides in a car and says that his tongue feels bigger than his future.
A man wears a wedding dress and walks up to the groom, whose back is to him, in a yard as a prank. Then he chases the groom. The man in the dress is the groom's future brother-in-law.
A boy and two girls open a gender reveal present for their future sibling. When they see that its a girl, the two girls celebrate while the boy cries and pouts indoors.
In a back yard, a boy swings at a wooden fence around an air conditioner with a hammer. He misses with the hammer and hits himself in the leg. Another boy and girl sit and watch him. USE 667386A FOR FUTURE BROADCASTS
"Kissus Interruptus" Groom starts to kiss the bride & priest interrupts them. They kiss & minister says "I hope in the future you're not that slow." Crowd laughs. Wedding ceremony. (Minister is blind.)
"Scaredy Gator" At a swamp in Louisiana, an alligator tries to attack a cat, but the cat scares off the alligator.
A pug dog in a tuxedo howls hoarsely along with a woman singing a song to it at home.
A woman climbs into a window of a house but gets stuck and her butt crack shows.