A young girl jumps over her cat playing leap frog and the cat bites the girl on the butt.
A young girl bends down to let a tot boy leap frog jump over her in the yard, but the boy jumps and lands on her back instead and they both fall down.
A man tries to leap frog over a parking meter and fails, flipping over it and landing hard on sidewalk instead. Bonehead
A teen girl is trying to leap frog over a teen boy, but he ducks, sending her flying. jump. yard
Man tries to leap frog over a parking meter. He runs and hits his groin / crotch and then flips & falls over. Bonehead.
Little boy plays leap frog in the snow with dad, dad tries to jump over boy but he accidentally knocks the kid over. Winter.
A young boy falls in the living room when a young boy ducks in front of him as he tries to leap frog over his back.
A teen boy tries to leap frog over another teen boy, but the teen ducks and the first teen goes flying outdoors.
Man poses on all fours as another man jumps onto his back to leap frog into an above ground swimming pool. Jumping man lands on his back on some rocks & laughs.
A woman tries to jump over a man, then he ducks and she falls forward in a yard.
Frog Surprise. Big frog jumps out (of bucket) and scares kids.