A cat sits in plastic water bottle packaging and scares another cat that walks by.
In the kitchen, a woman tries to puts a plastic bottle down at the base, but again and again the bottle flips over twice .
Teen throws plastic soda bottle on street - it explodes and bounces into his chest.
A small parrot bird pecks at a plastic bottle. It makes the parrot bird sound like a woodpecker bird.
In a backyard, a young boy throws a plastic bottle bomb made by mixing water, vinegar, and baking soda in the bottle. The bomb explodes and blasts all over the boy. He screams and runs to the house.
A woman shows us how to separate eggs using a plastic cup and a water bottle but spills. Great reaction at 1:18.
A boy and his teen sister are shooting a plastic bottle into the air. They don't know where it went and at 0:09, when boy looks up, the bottle comes down and hits him in head.
"Plastic Pool Puppy" A yellow lab puppy dog jumps around in a plastic kiddie pool and chews on a plastic water bottle on a concrete porch. He flips the pool over and walks around underneath the pool into the grassy yard. He gets out from underneath the pool. Action in first 35 seconds. Cute.
A tot boy drinks water out of a plastic bottle while sitting on a toy tractor outdoors. He leans forward to set the water bottle down when he loses his balance and smashes his head into the tractor steering wheel while simultaneously crushing the water bottle. Vine/instagram.
A man says "Kipper bowling" in the living room and sets his dog on the floor. The dog runs across the room and knocks down plastic bottles set up like bowling pins.
A young girl talks to the camera and films herself as she taps a plastic bottle with acrylic nails. Her man grandpa walks into the room and screams and scares her and she flinches. Two videos put together.
A young boy flips a water bottle onto the top of another water bottle.
Boy throws around a plastic water bottle with baking soda, trying to make it explode. When he picks it up, it explodes and sprays all over his hand, hurting his hand. NO AUDIO. Meg is having submitter re-upload to YouSendIt.